Friday, May 8, 2020

School Shootings Are Becoming More Common - 1292 Words

The sweat was dripping down John’s face as he pushed the weights off his chest. Everyone ran towards their bags after a student said there was a gun in school. Twitter was the first source that everyone checked just to make sure. Boom! The door slammed open as Coach Ben yelled â€Å"Hurry up and get out†. John’s heart started beating faster and faster. No one knew what was going on. As students were running to the gym everyone was panicking and pushing each other. John could feel the burn on his elbow but he didn’t know what it was. When everyone got to the gym John’s elbow was covered in blood. Everyone was told to get down and stay quiet. Later on coach told everyone a student brought a gun to school and was planning on committing suicide.†¦show more content†¦Police lined up students in a Yolaah2 parking lot with their hands over their heads and searched them before they were bused with faculty to the nearby county fairgrounds, where cou nselors were available and some parents waited for their children† (Barnard). Less people would have died if students were not allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. Because guns in school cause violence. Why would a student feel the need to carry a concealed weapon on campus? After all they’re headed to a â€Å"school† not a war zone. Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin are the only states that allow concealed weapons on campus. Arizona and other states let schools decide the policy on weapons. Guns on campus lead to violent shootings. Students with guns on campus are a threat to everyone. They cause others to feel unsafe and grab everyone’s attention. If a student argues with a fellow student and they both disagree something could go wrong. â€Å"Concealed carry laws have the potential to dramatically increase violent on college and university campuses† (Dickerson). If a school bans students to carry concealed weapons on campus there will be fewer chances of a shooting taking a place. Students participate in certain activities

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